Create Your Easy New Hire Training Checklist

Design onboarding checklists with Workflow — a no-code tool that allows you to create personalized lists and forms synced with your employee data.

Design the Best New Hire Training Checklist for Your Business

So, why do you need to worry about your checklist? The short answer is that an automated checklist will save you time – lots of it. If you orient your employees effectively, they’ll be more likely to hit the ground running, and you’ll be more likely to see results. Plus, you’ll want all new hires to receive the same information, no matter who’s handling their orientation.

Streamlining your onboarding process is ideal for compliance, too. It’s not glamorous, but it is essential. Whatever the role, you’ll have specific legal and regulatory requirements. If you automate this employee onboarding checklist, you can ensure your new hires complete these critical steps – only when they’ve completed specific actions will they be allowed to move on. Again, it’s all about efficiency.

The right checklist template is essential. With Workflow, create your own template or select one approved by industry leaders, like the vacation request Workflow, and the employee expense Workflow

How to create your new hire training checklist

We know every business is unique, so your orientation process will be too. That said, there are some general steps you’ll want to follow:

1. Identify crucial tasks and information

Consider the first couple weeks of the role from your new hire’s perspective – what do they need to know to navigate this early period? Maybe it’s training, certifications or passwords. Whatever the process, your checklist can handle it.

2. Organize the tasks in a logical order

Again, you’ll need to put yourself in your new team member’s shoes: what’s the logical process they should follow? What do they need first? Perhaps you start personal information for payroll and then shift to job-specific training.

3. Assign responsibilities

You likely won’t be handling all the onboarding minutiae, and a checklist created with Workflow is the perfect way to ensure all team members know their roles – Workflow is synced with your employee directory, so there’s little coordination needed on your part.

4. Include a timeline

Let your new hire know when their process needs to be completed. For instance, if you require background or medical checks, you’ll want to provide enough notice. You can also use the checklist to inform your HR or finance teams when they have to process the new hire.

5. Use a software like Workflow to track progress, never miss a step and ensure your team completes their tasks

Since Workflow is synced with your employee directory, all the forms you send will know who the recipient is. That means you will know precisely who hasn’t completed a task, what that task is and when it was due.

Start streamlining your business processes today with Workflow. Create your own checklists from scratch or use our existing templates.

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Start designing your checklist